2024 / Year of the Dragon


Anita Cheng, Ella Sanfilippo

It is not what is on each side of the doorway, but rather the space in between. What exists in the undefined area where one is not this nor that.

You are in the space between spaces. Only here, can this exist.

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2023 / Year of the Rabbit


Jeanie Xu, Nathan Wai

Morii is defined as the desire to capture a fleeting experience. A show sharing a deep appreciation for the ephemeral, and encouraging us to slow down, savor the moment, and cultivate gratitude for the fleeting experiences which make life rich and meaningful.

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2022 / Year of the Tiger


Pauline Qin, Remi Adeoti

A garden lives within each of us. We tend to the flowers, dance across the grass, and feel the warmth of youth shine upon our skin. In this mysterious yet familiar world, we rediscover our inner child.

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2021 / Year of the Ox


Jessica Timczyk

COLLECTIVA explores everyone's role in an interdependent society. Each of our actions ricochet throughout the world, impacting faraway places and people who we don't know. Sometimes it can be hard to forget that we're not alone, that we're part of a complex and connected world. Our communities function as networks that would collapse without the everydav work of others. Instead of erasing anyone, we want to honor them and uplift their hard work. Imagine a world where everyone is not only remembered but celebrated as an essential node in a greater network of COLLECTIVA.

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2020 / Year of the Rat


Ugne Ziausyte, Michael Powell

Yesterday defines our current moment as a liminal space constantly in tension between the past and future. For this year’s show, we drew inspiration from Pittsburgh’s industrial history. In the 1980s, Pittsburgh experienced a massive transition out of its identity as an industrial city, forcing it to adapt and rebuild. Today, Pittsburgh demonstrates resilience by continuing to evolve with the times while honoring its roots.

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2019 / Year of the Pig


Jumana Akoad, Kenneth Cohen, Ruhani Mumick

Website → Livestream →

2018 / Year of the Dog


Grace Kao, Gilly Johnson, Jarret Lin

The Lunar Gala: an intergalactic celebration of the yearly contributions of the Interplanetary Federation for Peace and Protection. The year is 2268, and, on this 250th anniversary of the planet Earth’s quarantine, we present Ferox, a public demonstration of the hostility of the Earth’s previously dominant species, the homosapien. We invite Federation sponsors and visitors to observe, for the first time, the savagery we have successfully contained. Infused with Federation principles, the previously dangerous human race is now docile - an allegory for the potential of the IFPP to mollify threatening agents intergalactically. Come celebrate with us! And, in the process, bear witness to a species, that, prior to this event, has been contained for centuries.

Video → Website →Livestream →

2017 / Year of the Rooster


Michelle Cho, Catherine Zheng, Lynzky Deleon

Inspired by bright colors and kaleidoscopic textures, Sonder personified the awakening through which we become aware of the parallels between our own vivid and complex experiences and that of any passerby. This was the first year Lunar Gala Alumni took part in the show, bringing together the past and present.

Website → Livestream → Video →

2016 / Year of the Monkey


Jessica Shen, Miriam Buchewald, Jibby Ani

Strain played on the concept of evolution and physical force, mirroring how Lunar Gala has grown through the pressure of CMU over time. Emphasizing transparency, Strain gave a look behind the scenes with backstage, internal team, and designer videos during the show, and experimented with color extremes.

Website → Livestream → Video →

2015 / Year of the Goat


Zach Bergeron, Rachel Ciavarella, Coleen Clifford

Through information distortion and folklore, the goat has fooled others into thinking it is something far greater. Similarly, humans have curated their lives to the public to present a superhuman view of their actual selves. They want to satisfy the urge to be connected, to be desired. Vestige exploited the human need for stimulation, and saturated the mind to give the viewer the information high they have been seeking.

Video →

2014 / Year of the Horse



Ceecee Chang, Alana Fusaro

Referring to a dream-like state that stimulates the mind and heightens the senses, Hypnose was created to push the boundaries of fashion on the runway and to imprint in the audience's’ memories. This was the year the Lunar Gala magazine was born, along with the Lunar Gala Blog that lives on to this day.

Video →

2013 / Year of the Snake


Chris Ioffreda, Joanne Yun, Alex Deronde

As one of the first shows to place emphasis on a visually cohesive theme, Venin incorporated video art, promotional videos, 360-degree photographs of the clothing, and a mobile app for the show. The show was split into two halves: light and dark, and placed designer lines and acts accordingly.

Article → Poster → Video →

2012 / Year of the Dragon


Ian Anthony Coleman, Brieanna Nesbit

Video →

2011 / Year of the Rabbit


Eddie Wong

Video →

2010 / Year of the Tiger


Jessica Meng, Hannah Pileggi

Video →

2009 / Year of the Ox


Terrence Boyd, Jessica Meng

Video →

2008 / Year of the Rat


Stephen Lim, Jamie Song

Being the twelfth anniversary, Lunar Gala had come full circle and completed one cycle of the zodiac. Karma showcased the whimsical and witch-like karma emblem, and emphasized the cyclical process of dominance and submission through the lines and dances.

Video →

2007 / Year of the Pig


Natisha Kang

Video →

2006 / Year of the Dog


David Bong, Kwan Kim, Rigardo Rush II

Focusing on the “extreme”, “exciting”, and “expressive” aspects of fashion, the “X” theme was chosen in honor of Lunar Gala’s ten-year anniversary in hopes to emphasize the unknown factor of designing clothing.

Video →

2005 / Year of the Rooster


Engly Chang

2004 / Year of the Monkey


Kaily Yuri Lee, Carrie Yu

After many years of Lunar Gala being held at University Center Hall, the show was finally moved to Wiegand Gym, where it now holds over 1000 show goers.

Video → Article → Info →

2003 / Year of the Goat


Eray Chou

In order to incorporate greater diversity of designs, Experience Identity was the first show to ever feature “Mini-Collections,” which inspired a handful of designers to each create only 2 looks.

2002 / Year of the Horse


Anna Wei

2001 / Year of the Snake


Olive Chian, Thu Wu

2000 / Year of the Dragon


Elena Chon

1999 / Year of the Rabbit


Shannon Tam

1998 / Year of the Tiger


Shannon Tam, Douglas Lee

Improving on the show, the second year of Lunar Gala presented student designers, and incorporated themes for participating retailers. With an overall theme of “chic and panache,” Lunar Gala turned into a VIP style event, and was rebranded into the “it” event of the year.

1997 / Year of the Ox


Jimmy Chiang

Birth of Lunar Gala Fashion Show. Keeping with the tradition of new clothes being worn on Lunar New Year’s Day, the first Lunar Gala show celebrated the Year or the Ox with a theme of “high fashion”.

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